GLACC - CCD Requirement - Digital Literacy and Communication

WORK IN PROGRESS - Appendix to the GLACC Pedagogical Document

Lynda - LinkedIn Learning

23 Things | Edinburgh University


AMICAL Directory of Events

Above link lists events identified by AMICAL that could benefit from an AMICAL grant.

See also: The Digital Humanities Course Registry (DHCR) ... "a curated platform that provides an overview of the growing range of available teaching activities in the field of digital humanities worldwide. The platform is a joint effort of two European research infrastructures: CLARIN-ERIC and DARIAH-EU." Warning: lists mostly bachelor and master degrees (very few individual courses).

HILT 2020 - Humanities Intensive Learning & Teaching | Univ. of Nebraska

Digital Pedagogy Institute 2020 | Univ. of Toronto

Cambridge Data Schools 2020

Digital Scholarship Institute | ARL

DH@Guelph | Guelph Univ. (Canada)

Guidelines for Evaluating Work in Digital Humanities and Digital Media

MLA - Committee on Information Technology. “Guidelines for Evaluating Work in Digital Humanities and Digital...” MLA | Modern Language Association, 2012,

The ... guidelines are designed to help departments and faculty members implement effective evaluation procedures for hiring, reappointment, tenure, and promotion. They apply to scholars working with digital media as their subject matter and to those who use digital methods or whose work takes digital form.