GLACC - CCD Requirement - Digital Literacy and Communication

WORK IN PROGRESS - Appendix to the GLACC Pedagogical Document

Evaluating Student Work

Battershill, Claire, and Shawna Ross. “Chapter 8: Evaluating Student Work.” Using Digital Humanities in the Classroom: A Practical Introduction for Teachers, Lecturers, and Students, 2017,


Waskey, Andrew J. "Rubrics." The SAGE Encyclopedia of Online Education, edited by Steven L. Danver, Sage Publications, 1st edition, 2016. Credo Reference, Accessed 12 Feb. 2020.

iRubric | Rcampus - Tool

Rubrics for Assessment | EdTechTeacher

This is a fantastic resource!

Digital Proficiency Levels | European Union

"The DigComp 2.2 update: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, also known as DigComp, provides a common language to identify and describe the key areas of digital competence.
It is an EU-wide tool to improve citizens’ digital competence, help policy-makers formulate policies that support digital competence building, and plan education and training initiatives to improve the digital competence of specific target groups.
This report presents version 2.2 of the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. It consists of an update of the examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Additionally, the publication also brings together the key reference documents on DigComp to support its implementation"

AUP - Digital Literacy and Communication Requirement: LOs

Digital Literacy courses teach skills in digital collaboration, writing and publishing, data management and preservation, data analysis and presentation, and research – as well as the ethics and implications of these practices. Students will enhance their ability to use a range of digital tools and technology-enabled methodologies.

Learning Outcomes  
In all courses coded DL students:

  • Will be able to write and publish digitally and analyze and produce audiovisual content in order to communicate through a variety of digital media.
  • Will learn about privacy, security and data preservation issues.  
  • Will be able to interpret, report, and synthesize data and present it in various formats visually.
  • Will be able to formulate appropriate problems in a way that allows a computer to help solve them; you will have familiarity with automating these solutions through the implementation of algorithms, code or programmes.

From: The Global Liberal Arts at AUP: GLACC Degree Requirements. 17 oct. 2018