If the material you need is not available in the University Library, you can try searching Paris-area libraries by using one of the online catalogs suggested below and by searching the Catalogue Collectif de France(CCFr) or the Système universitaire de documentation (Sudoc) in French or SUDOC in English (university libraries only). To search the collections of major libraries throughout France, use CCFr or Sudoc; to search the collections of major libraries worldwide, especially for English-language materials, use WorldCat. If a specific item you are looking for is only available at a library outside the Paris area, you may submit a Document Delivery request.
WorldCat allows you to search the collections of over 40,000 libraries worldwide. The WorldCat database includes records from the major North American research libraries as well as a growing number of libraries in other countries, including many in France. WorldCat is especially useful when doing a comprehensive search for materials that have been published anywhere in the English language.
Except when noted, the following libraries are research libraries and not lending libraries. While English language materials will be available, the working language will be French.