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Virtual Help Desks - AUP Library

Test with images and reference chat

Video about the library by AUPvideos

How to get Help

University Library staff members are available to answer questions pertaining to the Library's collections and services.

Specialized help on research topics, use of the collections, and other libraries, is available from the University's professional reference librarians.

Ask for assistance at the Navigation Desk, contact the library by E-mail, or contact individual staff members as listed in the Staff Directory.

Where to Get Help

Navigation Desk 
Library users should come here first; they will be directed to the best source(s) and may also request reference referrals/appointments here.


Help with Library Services

  • For help using the library, you can ask at the Navigation Desk if you are physically in the building. If not, try the Library Homepage. There are links to many of our services and resources. You can search the page or look for links to Hours, Staff Information, Databases, Journals, and much more. If you cannot find the answer, contact us at and we'll be glad to try to help.


Reference Services 
Professional librarians provide guidance in the use of all specialized resources in the University Library. If materials are not available on-site, the librarians can advise users about the Document Delivery Service and/or procedures concerning access to selected libraries in Paris. The following information pertains to several special aspects of the reference service provided by the University Library:

Reference Appointments

  • Reference librarians are available weekdays from 14:00 to 17:00; ask to speak to a librarian at the Navigation Desk.
  • During weekend and study hours (see library hours) library offices are closed and reference librarians are not on duty. Library users are urged to contact the reference librarians by E-mail - or ask online and give the most information possible.

Research Methodology

  • The University Library provides various types of library orientation and research instruction during the academic year. Through both tours and instructional sessions, the library facilitates users' access to many sources of knowledge and information - in both traditional and electronic formats.
  • Library representatives are present during Orientation Week, and also conduct a Library Research Module as part of most First-year students Firstbridge experiences.
  • Special topical research methodology sessions and online catalog workshops can be arranged by faculty request. Members of the faculty who wish to schedule library instruction should contact Jorge Sosa at least two weeks in advance of the desired date. For tours please contact the library

Help for Online resources

  • For help using particular databases, e-books, etc. please use the help buttons within that platform.  If you cannot find the answer you need, please contact us for help


To study/stay in the library

Masks are no longer required but please stay cautious and respect those who continue to wear masks.

For any questions, please contact

Thank you for following protocol and stay safe!  We appreciate your help and cooperation.