We'd like to help AUP students, faculty, staff and alumni find what you need. You can try our Research Help page first if we are not readily available.
Need help with your research?
Ask for Research Help
Make an appointment
Jorge for Thesis Help
Instruction: Jorge, Michael, Laurence and Sally
The library is here to serve you and help you find the resources that you need for your education at AUP. Please feel free to ask us for help. The librarians try to be available Monday-Friday from 2-5 each afternoon in the library - ask for a librarian at the Navigation Desk during these hours. We will be happy to make appointments with you during other hours but we may not always be available if you drop by.
You can call the library at 01 40 62 05 61 or fill out the Research Help Form.
The librarians can sit down with you and help you:
figure out how to use the library catalog to find books
use the databases to find appropriate articles
figure out how to create citations for a paper
find and evaluate scholarly web sites
find the resources you need for your research
figure out how to make the most of ebrary, Academic Search Complete, etc.
and much, much more!
We will do what we can to help you - it doesn't hurt to ask! We may send you to people who can help you better than we can - ARC, the Writing Lab, your professor, ITS when we feel they are better suited to help you with what you need.
For any kind of general assistance, staff members and student assistants are available at the Navigation Desk to answer questions – or to refer you to someone who can help – any time during regular hours. Check the Library website (http://library.aup.edu) as well for basic questions about the Library’s resources and services, and for additional guides to doing academic research.
If needed materials are not available at the AUP Library, our document delivery service may be able to obtain the items needed – just ask at the Navigation Desk.
Are you off-campus? We can still help you with your research – call us at 01 40 62 05 61 (or 01 40 62 05 62 on evenings and weekends), or send your question to researchhelp@aup.libanswers.com
Library publications
This guide and other library publications are designed to introduce users to various research tools and information sources. They are available at the Navigation Desk.
Lost and found
Contact the Navigation Desk (01 40 62 05 62).