Basement SousSol
000s 2nd floor
100s 1st floor
200s Ground floor/Atrium
300s Basement SS
400s Basement SS
500s Ground floor/Atrium
600s Ground floor/Atrium
700s Basement SS
800s Basement SS
900s Basement SS
(900-930s in compact shelving
940-990s in reading area)
CDs 2nd floor
Comics/Bandes Dessinées 2nd floor
DVDs Ground floor/Atrium
Oversize Ground floor/Atrium
Periodicals Ground floor/Atrium
Reference 2nd floor
Reserves Navigation Desk Ground floor
Special Collections ask at Navigation Desk Ground floor - offsite
Textbooks 2nd floor
Theses 2nd floor
Search in the library catalog, copy the entire call number, location and note the availability status of the item.
Some titles are online and available from any computer, on or off campus, with current student, staff or faculty login.
For example, this item is available (not charged), it is located in the Reference area on the 2nd floor and the call number is 914.4361 H249e. Don't only copy the first part - there are many titles beginning with the call number 914.4361!!
This next item someone else has checked out so would not be on the shelves.
Basement - Sous Sol
300s Social Sciences
400s Languages
700s Art
800s Literature
900s Geography and History
(900-930s are in compact shelving -- 940-990s are in the reading area)
Atrium - Rez de Chaussée - Ground floor
200s Religion
500s Science
600s Technology
Comics/Bandes Dessinées
Navigation Desk - Rez de Chaussée - Ground floor
Special Collections (ask - stored offsite)
Technology Equipment (Laptops, Phone and laptop Chargers, Headphones, DVD Players)
1st floor
100s Philosophy and Psychology
2nd floor
000s General Works
Browse a List of Journal Titles
Click the link above or go to the Journals Page
Print Periodicals/Journals are located in the Atrium on the ground floor.
You may see these headings in the Status or location of an item you are hunting. This may help you find them or understand what your choices are.
If you can't find what you need, please go to the Navigation Desk on the ground floor and ask for help.
Special Cases:
In Processing - ask at Navigation Desk for a RUSH (normally takes 2 business days)
Lost - this means someone has actually lost the item - let someone at the Navigation Desk know if you need it to be replaced (it may be on order)
Missing - this means the book was not found on the shelf where it should be - the library searches for it a few times in various areas - let someone at the Navigation Desk know if you need it to be replaced (it may be on order)
Overdue/Not Available/Charged - someone has the item you can put a hold to request it when it is returned
Reserves - only available when the Navigation Desk is manned
Special Collections - stored offsite - ask at Navigation Desk
DVDs are located in the Atrium on the ground floor.
There are some streaming videos available online on this Online Films/Documentaries page.
Available from any computer on or off campus, with current student, faculty or staff login.