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Library Homepage: Welcome

Library Spotlight

Schaeffer Center Spring Fellowship

Since the creation of the Schaeffer Center, in 2016, the collaboration between the library and the center is facilitating the access to the resource Visual History Archive (VHA) to the AUP community.

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Recommended by Isabelle Dupuy, Document Access Supervisor

Have you ever looked into a  GREAT alternative to Amazon? Do you like and/or want to buy second hand books, CD’s, DVD’s and stand up for a good cause? I’ve got THE platform you need: AMMAREAL ! The AUP library also participates by giving them the books we no longer need in the collection.

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Oxford Very Short Introductions

Recommended by Sally Murray, Librarian

There are over 850 individual titles in this useful book collection. They give an overview (short introduction) into many different topics, ranging from law, religion, politics, to social sciences, medicine, and health. If you don’t know much about a topic or want to review what you do know, this is the set for you! 

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MideastWire – Get the news directly from the Middle East.

Recommended by Lily Servel, Library Assistant

Having access to news is very important, and most of the time the barrier of language makes it difficult to access them.
Today, I would like to promote a database, that is in my opinion underused, but important, especially if you are looking for non-western news.

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Welcome Fall 24

Welcome Back to Campus, Students and Faculty!

We hope you had an amazing summer break and are ready to dive into the new academic year with energy and enthusiasm! The AUP Library is thrilled to welcome you back and be your go-to resource for all things learning, leisure, and inspiration.

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Viewit@AUP and LibKey Nomad

Recommended by Sally Murray, Librarian

If you want to see if the library has an article, you go to the library catalog, Primo, and type in the article title but if you are wandering the web and run into an article use these to help you see whether or not the library has what you want.

Two of my favorite things take a few minutes to set up but saves you HOURS of time and saves you money as well. 

Click here to learn more about Viewit@AUP and LibKey Nomad

JSTOR Text Analyzer

Recommended by Michael Stoepel, Librarian

JSTOR Text Analyzer will make your life easier – at least your research! 😉
Copy/paste a paragraph (such as the abstract of a scholarly article that you enjoyed reading) into JSTOR Analyzer and be connected to further readings within seconds. Check it out - play with the search terms on the left and find results tailor-made for you!

Click here for a short tutorial

Artstor, our high quality image database

Recommended by Jorge Sosa, Librarian

This time I would like to recommend Artstor,  a high quality image database. My enthusiasm about Artstor started when I began teaching information literacy during art history senior seminars.

Nowadays, Artstor is a multidisciplinary database that has merged with JSTOR and provides more than 2.5 million images of artifacts, historical objects, industry products, photos, paintings, sculptures, architecture, etc.

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Curious exceptional item from Special Collections

Recommended by Jorge Sosa, Librarian

As a librarian I have many items to show you. This time I’d like to show you one of my favorite items in the AUP Library, it is a large three-volume set from our special collections. 

McKenney, Thomas L. and Hall, James. History of the Indian Tribes of North America: with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs. Philadelphia: E. C. Biddle, 1836. 

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Make an appointment

Recommended by Michael Stoepel, Librarian

One of my favorite pages of the library homepage is the Make an Appointment page.

Basically, it is to make an appointment with a librarian to talk about research – your research / the student’s research. The librarians can sit down with the students – research conversations I would call them – which can last up to one hour. 

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The ebooks page

Recommended by Sally Murray, Librarian

One of my favorite pages is the ebooks page!!! The library has access to over 700,000 ebooks but there are some on this page that we’ve selected as especially useful. You can get the MLA Handbook and the Chicago Manual of Style to help you create citations.   

There are Reference Collections of ebooks which are excellent places to start research on topics you don’t know much about!  Want to know who was in a war, what years was it fought, who won, major battles – try reference collections! 

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Library News

Black History Month 2025

February 4, 2025

Take a look at the selection of artworks, books, films, podcasts and events made by the Library. 

Need a Good Dictionary?

Need a Good English Dictionary?

January 14, 2025

Oxford English Dictionary (OED) platform updates!
OED is much more than a dictionary. 
Look at what you can do with this great resource.

Winter, Selection of books and films ❄️☃️❄️

December 16, 2024

Winter is the time of the year when you can spend time reading a book or binge-watch films and series at home, away from the cold.
To help you achieve this mission the Library staff selected books, films and series available through the library.

New Resource: Filmfriend

December 9, 2024

New streaming platform available at the library.  Find over 2,800 films, documentaries, series, short films and animations from all over the world.

Acces to NYT

Access to the NYT

“The New York Times, morning daily newspaper published in New York City, long the newspaper of record in the United 

The Wall Street Journal

"WSJ online coverage of breaking news and current headlines from the US and around the world." 
Create your account through the library.

The Economist

The Economist

“The Economist, weekly magazine of news and opinion published in London and generally regarded as one of the world’s preeminent journals of its kind.


Tips to Europresse

Europresse is an online platform offering the access to over 3,500 French and International Newspapers.

Resources you love!
