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Even Primo OneSearch is a powerful Search tool you may encounter some problem.
Some databases are not fully indexed or not searchable at all in Primo.
Even Primo OneSearch is a powerful Search tool you may encounter some problems.
This is the case for Ebsco databases.
Searching for Ebooks or articles in Electronic Resources supplied by Ebsco needs a different way to perform it.
In fact Ebsco and the company in charge of Primo OneSearch are business rivals and do not share information with each other.
If you are used to using one of the databases listed here: EBSCO Academic Ebooks - Academic Search Ultimate - Communications & Mass Media Complete - Film and Television Literature Index with Full Text - GreenFILE - International Political Science Abstracts - MasterFILE Premier - Regional Business News - Wilson OmniFile FullText Select we would like to propose two search options:
1st option: In Primo OneSearch select the search scope Search in Ebsco only. As it says it will search only within Ebsco databases. You might use this option after searching in everything.
You will notice on the left few facets appearing to refine your results. If you still facing problem to find the right articles or books we would like to suggest the second option.
2nd option: The last option is not the quickest but it is the most reliable. It is to go directly into the database you think you will find what you are looking for. Please see the A-Z database list and select the right database.