Graduate Students

This guide has some tips for graduate students that may differ from undergraduates.

Journal Collection

The AUP library has immediate access to over 40,000 journals.  The great majority are in electronic format, accessible from anywhere in the world for AUP students.  

If you don't find the journal you need, please check Browse a List of Journal Titles to see if the title you want is in a database.  If it isn't, don't hesitate to fill out a form for Interlibrary Loan and we will try to get it from another library.  Usually articles take a day or two.


Director's Welcome

What happens when an academic library opens more hours in the evening and during finals week, allows you to have beverages and snacks, invites students to free coffee and cookies  three times a semester, has no turnstile, has comfortable seating and lighting, has  unlimited book renewals within a given semester,  arranges for film viewings,  has  group study rooms with a giant flat screen,  has wireless access, electric  power for your lap tops,  printing and scanning and  has peer-to-peer  questions and answers ?  … That library becomes your space.

These and other changes have been happening at the AUP Library to adapt to your current needs as students and to help you achieve your academic goals. The American higher education system shapes the type of services we provide.

What kind of services will you find in the AUP Library?  You have the same services as an American academic library on a smaller scale (circulation and loans, book reserve, inter-library loan and document delivery, peer-to-peer student help and trouble shooting, reference services given by professional librarians, remote and on  campus access to online resources like e-books, e-encyclopedias, full text databases, image databases, ejournals, etc. and an online catalog from which you can get bibliographic information, renew loans, etc. )

When something is not available at the AUP Library librarians can help the student  find the resources they need – possibly in one of Paris’ picturesque local libraries.

One of the main missions of the AUP Library is to help students succeed in the world of academia and understand how to deal with the vast world of information overload that people are now facing.  Librarians  teach information fluency skills during English Bridge, First Bridge and other courses, as well as in the library during individual sessions.

The Library, ARC and ITS will help you with the tools you need to succeed in your education. For further information join the library tours during Orientation, come any time to the Navigation Desk and request a more private library tour, visit our library web page or write to us at:

Book Collection

AUP library has approximately 41,000 print volumes and over 745,000 ebooks as of early 2022.  

If you are unsure how to find the books you want or how to acquire books we don't have, don't hesitate to ask for help.  Different countries have different 'styles' of libraries and you may need help getting to know YOUR new library!  Just ask!

You can come to the library, email the library at or fill out a Research Help form and we can either answer you by email or you can ask for a meeting with a librarian.  We can meet and bring you up to date on how to use the catalog, find books, articles, how to evaluate web sites and much more.

Let us know if you need help and try to do it as early as possible so that we have more time to devote to you.